Friday, October 15, 2010

Treatment Of ODC

The easiest and most readily available Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Treatment is Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy and involves the gradual resistance of compulsions, the breaking of various routines and the rationalization of obsessions. While fairly effective with compulsions, it is much harder to dispose of obsessive thoughts with this method. The same method is used with many mental disorders such as the majority of phobias.

Behavioral Therapy sessions in which a therapist will use ERP have been unsurprisingly shown to be much more effective than doing it oneself. Therapists can also help with obsessions through the use of various psychological treatments including Cognitive Therapy whereby the underlying reasons and convictions behind obsessions are explored.

Many different forms of medicine can also be prescribed or purchased to deal with OCD. While many are not specifically aimed at obsessive-compulsives, most are general anti-depressants such as Prozac which increases serotonin levels and hence helps to reduce anxiety and stress caused by OCD. (Serotonin, while the vast majority of it in your body is found in the digestive tract to regulate the movement and contractions of the gut, the rest is produced in the Central Nervous System where it regulates mood, appetite, sleep, memory and learning as well as other cognitive functions. It is a natural deficiency in Serotonin that is hypothesis to be a cause of OCD and is hence why Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)

For Example: anti-depressants are prescribed to sufferers.

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